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Breast cancer is the most common female cancer, with approximately 194,000 new cases diagnosed each year in the United States. More than 70% of breast cancers occur in women who are 50 years of age and older. The incidence of breast cancer increases with age beginning slowly between the ages of 45 and 50 years and steadily rise since each year thereafter. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths for women between 20 and 59 years of age. The Breast Cancer Survivor has several treatment options, two of which are radiation and surgery. Both of these choices may still have side effects that are less than desirable. This research would be carried on for the purpose of discovering an improvement in acquired outcomes secondary to receiving either surgery and/or radiation for breast cancer.

The scientifically based research activity will involve 150 breast cancer survivors who will be referred or volunteers who fit the study’s criteria. Each survivor would have an appointment at New Skin Rehab (a shared private spa), where they will be treated with microneedling, utilizing either Plasma Rich Protein or Human Growth Hormone into the affected area. This time would include photos, service documentation, and a questionnaire to complete.